Monday, May 17, 2010

Comic Writing With Make Beliefs Comix

Have you ever thought about introducing comic strip writing into your classroom? If you haven't you may change  your mind after you take a look at  Make Beliefs Comix was introduced to me by Dan Papa, MS Social Studies teacher in our district. After spending some time exploring this new resource i felt compelled to share it with you.

Click on Images to Enlarge

This site allows any user to create a multi-strip comic. There are a number of characters, emotions, thought bubbles,speaking balloons and background colors to choose from. Students can organize the characters on each strip and add text. They have some controls with regards to layout of the characters within the strip.

After adding the content to the comic the students have the option to print the final comic or email it. By using the print screen command on the keyboard the students can also paste the comic into word or PowerPoint.

This site has a number of applications for education. The website has a page of resources that lists 21 classroom integration ideas. Some of my favorites are listed below:

  • Have students create a comic as a first day back project to discuss their summer.

  • Students create a comic that depicts a conversation between characters in a story or historical figures.

  • Teachers create comics with various emotions to teach behaviors to special needs students.

  • Students create a comic to kick off a creative writing assignment.

  • Students create a comic using new vocabulary words that are being taught.

  • Students in a world language course may create a comic that contains text written in the language studied.

  • Have students create a comic to demonstrate knowledge of life skills such as speaking with a bank teller, ordering at a restaurant, speaking with a doctor or going on an interview

I hope you enjoy this great resource. I would like to thank Mr. Papa for introducing it. If you use this site please let us know how you used it by leaving a comment below.

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