Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Electronic Post-it Notes as an Instructional Tool

Have you visited http://www.wallwisher.com yet? It is a Web 2.0 site that is fairly new. Wallwisher allows anyone to create a Wall. Each wall may contain digital post-its. A post-it may contain up to 160 characters of text and links to images, audio or video. The post-its may be organized on the wall anyway the user wishes.

A wall creator may share his or her wall by providing participants with a link. You may also adjust settings to approve all postings before they are published on the wall.  Wallwisher does  require an account to get started. An account is not required to post to a wall. 

There are many uses for Wallwisher in the classroom. Here are a few of my favorite:

1. Students may post what they already know about a topic or what they would like to know. (KWL)

2. Use one to post project links or resources.

3. Provide students with a question and allow them to answer it on a wall.

4. Create a wall to gather feedback regarding an event, reading, project, or trip.

5. Post student book reviews.

6. Add the names and details of veterans that students know for veterans day wall.

7. Create a wall to post “going green” pledges.

8. Use as a suggestion box

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