Monday, January 10, 2011

The New Textbook

The Apple Ipad has taken off in the consumer market as the product of choice for tablet consumers. This device has extraordinary potential for the classroom. I do not normally conduct product reviews on this blogs. I will save my review of the Ipad for a later date. I would however like to introduce you to a new player in the market. The product is called "The Kno". Take a look at the website below to learn more about this device. Many of the concerns I have had with existing tablet computers seem to be addressed with the new generation of devices.

After looking over these types of devices i start to think about the pedagogy that goes with them. What are we doing to differentiate in our classrooms? How are we supporting the Universal Design for Learning model? How can these devices be a tool to change what we are doing?  Do our schools have policies, supports, and resources that support the application of devices of this type in the classroom? Do we simplify access to the web for our students? Should we be teaching content from a textbook published 3-5 years ago? Can we develop creativity, innovation and global citizens by introducing these devices into our classrooms and budgets?

I believe that this technology will have a profound impact on the classroom and student achievement. However, there is a lot to consider.  Please feel free to comment below.

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